Beer Feeds the Soul

Beer Feeds the Soul
An interview with Zach Canlas:

Zach Canlas has been brewing beer out of his garage for the last 6 years. While mainly a hobby for him, he has successfully been able to use brewing beer as a way to bring together the people in his life that he cares about the most. To defy the homebrew stigma, Zach has brewed countless recipes that he perfected to his taste before working hard to brew large batches to give out to friends and families. He isn’t just brewing small batches to personally enjoy, he views it as a way to connect to others. Instead of bringing a bottle of wine to a dinner party, he brings a bottle of beer he personally brewed and can use it as a talking piece while everyone enjoys it. His love for brewing is intriguing to me because of his desire to create something new and interesting and then share that experience with others as well. 

I think we can all take something from his love to make something beautiful to share with the world. 

The motive behind any action doesn’t have to be for profit or any other logical thing except that it simply brings joy and increases connection to others in that person’s life. That needs to be the main driving factor in everything in life, that it simply brings you joy. Do you need a new hobby that brings you joy? Maybe brewing beer can be your answer. Either way, keep looking for something, you’ll be glad for it.


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